New products
Newest developments of our abrasive backings here:
From many customer meetings, we know that the price pressure is extremely high, especially in volume business. The solution here is to find a very good price/performance ratio so that even particularly price-sensitive applications in the areas of manual griding and belts can be used.
Our development goal was to develop abrasive backings that
- can cover multiple areas of application and thereby facilitate logistics,
- are easy to process,
- have adjusted performance parameters,
- will remain highly available in the future due to standardization and, above all,
- are highly attractive economically.
This development has brought forth two backings of the latest generation based on previously unused fabric designs:
- A highly flexible cotton backing optimized for use in economy rolls, narrow belts and sheets.
- Secondly an X-polyester/cotton fabric backing for multi-purpose use as a short, normal and long belt.
Please feel free to contact us for further details!